Q&A WITH IZZY FORDWhy have you decided to run as a mayoral candidate?Porirua needs a strong and uniting leader to drive quality decision-making that’s representative for all voices of the Porirua community.
During the last six years serving as the local councillor for the Eastern Ward and as Deputy Mayor in this current term I have proven that I bring integrity, discipline and service above self. I also bring loyalty, trusted experience and a wealth of knowledge and understanding of our Council.
I will continue to serve with determination and promise to deliver critical and meaningful change for Porirua, putting people at the heart of what we do.
What are your key priorities for your mayoralty campaign?Priority 1: Effective Governance & LeadershipI bring extensive governance expertise to the mayoral role that will ensure I lead an effective and unified council team. Voters can be assured that I will bring a clear vision for council by focusing on the key priorities for our city, and for the interests of our people. The importance of good governance also enables our people to be confident that their council will make quality decisions on their behalf and, likewise, to hold their council accountable for providing cost-effective and efficient services and investments.
Priority 2: Emphasis on core infrastructure services and local roading Future-proofing our city’s core infrastructure services such as water (waste water treatment, storm water and drinking water quality) as well as continued emphasis on our local roads remain key priorities. We are on the cusp of experiencing significant development and residential growth that is putting pressure on our city’s infrastructure. I will put a strong emphasis on our core infrastructure services and local roading by targeting these areas in the review of our District Plan, so we have a solid framework that sets our economic development and growth to future-proof our city.
Priority 3: Housing The Government’s regeneration plan for providing better quality and more public housing in for eastern and western Porirua is an important partnership for council in this $1.5 billion investment. Under my Mayoral leadership, it is critical that council benefits in working closely with the master-planning of the project, by improving neighbourhood designs and by upgrading parks and streets to make it easier to get around. Effective consultation is key here so that the Porirua community gets a say in the planning process and the end result.
Priority 4: Environment Our people have told us that the harbour is important and I wholeheartedly agree - it's the jewel in our crown and we need to protect it. It's critical that we continue to raise public awareness that sediment and stormwater flow untreated into streams, and eventually the harbour, has to reduce. It will be a priority under my leaderships to reduce pollutants and to help to restore and protect our natural environment, restoring the natural taonga of Porirua.
Priority 5: BusinessSupporting local business and attracting new businesses and investment in our city’s economy will be a strategic driver under my governance and leadership direction. Porirua is experiencing significant growth and development and GDP growth estimate for the city edged up to 3.1% for the March 2019 year, well ahead of the Wellington regional average and the national average [1]. Our city’s average annual unemployment rate stood at 6.0% for the March 2019 year, the lowest it has been since 2009, but still higher than the national average. While the indicators are heading in the right direction we need to keep business as a top priority so we don't lose momentum.
[1] Infometrics Porirua City Quarterly economic monitor - March 2019 data - https://ecoprofile.infometrics.co.nz/porirua%2bcity/QuarterlyEconomicMonitor